September 22, 2024

A delegation from the Michigan State National Guard, accompanied by the United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone and the Deputy Minister of Defense, paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio at State House.

Presenting members of the delegation, the Deputy Minister of Defense, Col (Rtd). Muana Brima Massaquoi thanked the President for receiving them, revealing that the team from the Michigan State National Guard is in the country to sign a letter of consent to a State Partnership Programme between the government of Sierra Leone and the Michigan State National Guard.

COL (Rtd). Massaquoi stated that the programme started with his predecessor in 2019, but was pleased that the programme has come to a fusion. He noted that the signing of a letter of consent by both parties is to strive for an enduring partnership between the Republic of Sierra Leone Army Forces and the Michigan State National Guard.

The head of delegation, Adjutant General of the Michigan National Guard, Major Gene
ral Paul Rogers informed President Bio that many countries look forward to this partnership opportunity. He stated that despite Sierra Leone is the latest to establish the partnership programme but the country would be most exciting.

President Julius Maada Bio, while responding on behalf of the government and people of Sierra Leone, welcomed and thanked members of the delegation for their visit and favorable consideration of the programme. He noted that government had been working for the actualization of the programme over a long time, stressing that he is keen about the programme because of his government’s focus on development.

The President assured of his genuine commitment to consolidate the gains made in the past six years. He emphasized that the programme will improve and enhance the security and stability of the country while committing to the long-term and short-term plans of the programme.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency