October 19, 2024

The City’s Traffic Service, Law Enforcement and Metro Police Departments conducted successful enforcement operations where officers arrested 180 suspects and issued 64 588  fines. Law Enforcement officers also arrested a metal theft suspect for being in possession of copper cables.


Earlier today, members of the Law Enforcement Metal Theft Unit conducted an inspection on random vehicles conveying scrap to a scrap metal dealer in Wetton. Officers observed a blue sedan attempting to enter the premises. Officers stopped the vehicle and upon questioning the driver, he informed the officers that he works for the scrap dealer and is on his way to visit his friend who also works for the dealer.


The driver appeared hesitant when asked to open the boot.  While officers initially found nothing,  further inspection of the spare wheel compartment under the mat revealed overhead copper cables inside a white Nylon bag belonging to the City of Cape Town. The suspect had no legitimate alibi for being in possession of the cables and was arrested for stolen property and damaging essential infrastructure.

The value of the 30kg copper cables excludes the value of replacement and the damage to infrastructure. A second charge of damaging infrastructure was registered and the suspect  from Delft was transported to Lansdowne SAPS where he is currently being detained.


During other patrols, Law Enforcement officers arrested 82 suspects and issued 2 875 fines.


Officers arrested 50 suspects, impounded 88 vehicles, 130 cell phones and issued 60 046 fines during weekly enforcement operations.


The Transport Enforcement Unit conducted operations throughout the City and arrested two suspects, impounded 61 vehicles and issued 1 965 fines.


Officers conducted a joint crime prevention operation in  Manenberg on Friday, 3 September 2021 and arrested four suspects,  impounded six vehicles and issued 483 fines for road and vehicle safety offences.


On Sunday, 5 September 2021, traffic officers conducted an illegal drag racing operation in Bellville South, where they arrested 10 suspects of which  six were for driving under the influence of alcohol. Officers also issued 221 fines for various road and vehicle safety offences.


Metro Police officers issued 1 667 fines and arrested 48 suspects of which 25 suspects were for dealing and being in possession of illegal drugs.


On Sunday, 5 September 2021, the Metro Police Tactical Response Unit conducted crime prevention stop and search patrols in Hanover Park as well as visiting a well-known drug location. When officers spotted three  persons standing in Tiberias Court, one of the male persons entered a nearby residence and officers pursued the suspect. The suspect  threw a white object on the floor and on close inspection, officers found a white container with nine small packets of Tik. The suspect, aged 29, was  arrested for possession of Tik and detained at Philippi SAPS.


During another crime prevention patrol of hotspot areas in Macassar and Kleinvlei, officers arrested three suspects for the illegal possession of drugs.


Earlier on the same day, officers assisted SAPS when a Metro Police CCTV Operator spotted two male suspects digging up electric cables. The operator dispatched SAPS and Metro Police to the scene. Upon arrival, the culprits fled. Officers pursued and cornered them at Old Marine drive where SAPS arrested them.


‘The weekly arrests made by our enforcement officers shows that daily patrols in the communities and visiting crime hotspots pays off. The presence of officers patrolling the streets and communities is also a crime deterrent. Random road blocks and ad hoc stop and search operations together with the alertness and swift reaction of our officers is effective in crime prevention initiatives. Communities should also allow our officers to do their work and to protect law abiding citizens from criminal elements. Our officers will intensify patrols where and when necessary and based on crime pattern analyses and information gathering,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security,’ Alderman JP Smith.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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