September 20, 2024

Debbie Schäfer, Western Cape Minister of Education, has wished all Western Cape candidates the very best of luck for their matric exams which start on Wednesday, 27 October 2021.


The Minister’s message is available in three languages below (please quote the Minister directly). The message has also been recorded in the three languages as videos and soundbites, which can be found here: is external)




“A very, very good luck to every one of our matrics for your LAST school exams ever. You have come this far. It has been a difficult time for you, but you have a whole province rooting for you and I know that you are up to the challenge. We look forward to celebrating your results with you in January.


I also just want to say to each one of you – just do your best. Whilst this is an important exam, there are options if you don’t do as well as you hoped. So just focus, do your best and soon it will be over. Don’t forget to eat healthily and get enough sleep.


Good luck – you’ve got this!”




“Die allerbeste wense aan al ons matrieks vir julle LAASTE skooleksamen ooit. Julle het tot hiertoe gevorder. Dit was ʼn moeilike tyd vir julle, maar daar is ʼn hele provinsie wat bankvas agter julle staan en ek weet dat julle die uitdaging kan aanvaar. Ons sien uit daarna om julle uitslae in Januarie saam met julle te vier.


Ek wil ook net aan elkeen van julle sê ─ doen net jou beste. Alhoewel dit ʼn belangrike eksamen is, is daar opsies as jy nie so goed doen soos wat jy graag sou wou nie. Konsentreer dus net, doen jou beste en dit sal gou agter die rug wees. Moenie vergeet om gesond te eet en genoeg te slaap nie.


Voorspoed ─ sukses is om die draai!”




“Iminqweno emihle kuye wonke umfundi wematriki kwiimviwo zesikolo ZOKUGQIBELA gqibi!  Nisuka kude kodwa nilapha ngoku. Eli ibilixesha lobunzima kuni, kodwa kungokunje lonke iphondo liniqhwabela izandla yaye ndiyazi ukuba nikulungele ukuqubisana nalo mngeni. Sesikulinde ngenethemba ukubhiyozela iziphumo zenu kunye nani ngoJanuwari.


Ndifuna ukuthi kuni nonke – yenzani konke okusemandleni. Lo gama olu iluviwo olubalulekileyo, zikho ezinye izinto eninokukhetha ukuzenza ukuba aniqhubanga kakuhle nangokweminqweno yenu. Ngoko ke, zinzisani iingqondo zenu, nenze konke eninako yaye kungekudala, ziza kugqitha iimviwo. Ningalibali ukutya okunempilo nokulala ngokwaneleyo.


Iminqweno emihle – ninako ukuyenza le nto!”


Source: Government of South Africa

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