October 18, 2024

Closing Remarks by Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha on the occassion of the Limpopo Investment Conference


Programme Director

MEC for Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism;

MECs, Executive Mayors, Mayor’s and the entire political leadership;

Sponsors and investors;

Our friends from the media;

Distinguished Guests;

Ladies and Gentlemen


Our successful hosting of the inaugural Limpopo Investment Conference is demonstration that our vision of transforming the economy for inclusive growth is well on course.


It is a demonstration that the implementation of Limpopo Development Plan, which underpins our programmes across the socio-economic development is well on course.


We are humbled by the wave of enthusiasm brought to Limpopo Province since the official media launch leading to this conference.


We pay homage to President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa for gracing the occasion through his keynote address to delegates and investors.


For the faith the President has placed in Limpopo in building the economy of the province and the country, we say thank you Mr. President.


As we come to the end of our two day programme, we would like to remind everyone that the real work ahead is that, our commitments to the delegates and investors commences in earnest.


We are committing to further engage with national government, investors and broader stakeholders to ensure that our inaugural Investment Conference was not a talk shop but a launch pad for implementation of our plans.

And key towards our commitment, centres on the industrialisation of the provincial economy.


Programme Director


The marching line that says ‘Let us grow Limpopo Province together’ is inspired by the new dawn of growing South Africa together.


With an average of 1100 delegates attending the Conference virtually from across the world, key economic sectors of Limpopo Province and the inherent investment opportunities were exposed to the global business communities.


The presenters were able to show how the three major sectors, mining, agriculture and tourism may be explored to the full potential.


We welcome the publication of the Musina-Makhado Environmental Impact Assessment Report for public comment.


We hope that in due course this process will come to an end and allow investors to commence with their projects.


Our government remains committed to sustainable development in all the work we do to grow our economy.


Work on the Fetakgomo-Tubatse Special Economic Zone Project is progressing well.


We hope that the application for designation will be approved to roll out the planned Mining Supplier Park and related investment projects, to beneficiate our minerals. All these efforts are responses to Limpopo Development Plan.


The partnership we forged with sponsors to organize this Investment Conference created an impetus to the successful hosting of the event.


We are grateful and believe that this is the beginning of greater mutually beneficial process of growing the economy together.


Investors and Delegates


We are truly humbled by the commitment of our sponsors to work collaboratively with us in delivering the event and ultimately unlocking the latent and untapped investment opportunities in the province.


Our sponsors and partners are:


Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA);

Musina Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ);

Anglo American – Platinum sponsor;

Industrial Development Corporation (IDC);

The Impact Catalyst;

Ivan Plats;

Euphoria Golf and Lifestyle Estate;

Leeuwenhof Country Lodge and Garden Spa;

Global Africa Network (Media partner) and;

Brand SA.


As we look into the future, we are steadfast in our vision of delivering an inclusive economic growth to the people of Limpopo Province and South Africa.


We welcome all the pledges of over 208 billion Rand’s from the current and potential investors into our province.


LEDET and LEDA will spearhead processes of ensuring that these pledges are realisable within given timeframes.


Limpopo Province is indeed open for business. Like I said during the opening address, the province has enough wealth, for all of us to share.


Like has been adopted in the 1955 Freedom Charter, the wealth of our country shall be shared amongst all who live in it.


To all you delegates and investors, I say your are worthy heirs of the blood and sweat of our  liberation heroes and heroines.


You are the descendants of the 1958 Sebatakgomo Uprising, and the grandchildren of Mama Sharlotte Maxeke.


As a generation with a mission, I urge all of you to continue adhering to all the Covid-19 regulations, and go out there to vaccinate in your millions.


As we continue to celebrate the 150 years since the birth of Mama Sharlotte Mannya-Maxeke, please be blessed.


Lastly, I urge all of you to celebrate of colourful heritage month responsibly.


Source: Government of South Africa

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