Man arrested for alleged rape of minor

OSHAKATI: A 33 – year – old man has been arrested for allegedly raping a 13 – year – old girl at Oshinyadhila No . 2 in the Oshana Region . According to the Namibian Police Force ‘ s ( NamPol ) Oshana Crime Investigations Coordinator , Fredrick Ndjadila , the incidents occurred at unknown dates and times during May 2024 . ‘ It is alleged that the mother of the victim saw her daughter with a smartphone and asked her where she got it from . She told her that the smartphone was given to her by the suspect ,’ Ndjadila said . He added that the victim further indicated that the suspect would take her to his house at Oshinyadhila village where he would have sexual intercourse with her . Ndjadila indicated that the matter was only recently reported to the police by the victim ‘ s 35 – year – old mother . Police investigations continue .

Source:The Namibia News Agency