September 19, 2024

The people of Maforki Chiefdom in Port Loko District have entered a historic Land Lease Agreement with CTC Mining Company to construct a 32-kilometer haul road and a port. The construction, which will span Maforki and Marampa Chiefdoms, aims to improve the transportation of CTC’s mining products from the site to the port, easing the company’s logistical challenges.

The agreement was signed during a symbolic ceremony held at Old Port Loko. Paramount Chief Bai Forki Fainka II of Maforki Chiefdom and Dr David Koroma, Project Coordinator for CTC, signed on behalf of their respective parties. The ceremony drew notable dignitaries, including the Senior District Officer of Port Loko, Port Loko District Council Chairman Sheku Tejan Saccoh, and Hon. Abdul Karim Kamara, a Member of Parliament for Port Loko District.

In his statement, Paramount Chief Bai Forki Fainka II praised the agreement for its potential to spur development in Maforki and the broader Port Loko District. He emphasized that the terms of the agreem
ent contain several benefits for the local community, urging his subjects to support the initiative. However, he cautioned CTC to ensure that the people of Maforki are treated with respect and dignity, stating, “We are happy to welcome you as a mining company, but know that our support depends on how well we are treated.”

Council Chairman Saccoh, Hon. Kamara, and Senior District Officer Ishaka Turay echoed this sentiment, urging CTC to foster good relations with the local community. He also advised residents to resolve grievances through proper channels and avoid violence or lawlessness.

Representatives of the landowning families, including Regent Chief Pa Mohamed Santigie Mansaray of Mathairai Section, Mariatu Kamara, and Bobson A. Kanu, commended Paramount Chief Bai Forki Fainka II for his leadership during the negotiation process. They outlined critical expectations from CTC, including local employment, prompt payment of surface rent, and support for community development in areas like health, agricultur
e, and education.

Speaking on behalf of CTC, Dr David Koroma described the agreement as a significant milestone for the company and the community. He assured stakeholders that employment opportunities would be prioritized for locals and channelled through the Paramount Chiefs. “We look forward to a cordial working relationship with the people of Maforki, and we are grateful for the support we’ve received thus far,” Dr Koroma stated while also thanking First Lady of the Chiefdom, Ya Bomposseh Bai Forki Fainka, for her contributions.

Port Construction Project Coordinator Jobson Momoh also highlighted the importance of community approval for the project’s success. He noted that CTC had followed all required procedures, including conducting environmental, social, and fisheries impact assessments and holding public disclosures in Marampa and Maforki Chiefdoms.

“We appreciate the support from President Julius Maada Bio and the government in creating an enabling environment for us to begin operations,” Momoh conc
luded in an interview with the Sierra Leone News Agency.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency