September 24, 2024

The Police in Lulekani had conducted outreach programme to alert members of the community on safety regarding elderly citizens as part of celebrating National commemoration week for Elderly people.


The programme was conducted at the Community Hall of Moshate wa Selwane.


The event was led by Lulekani SAPS Station Commander Lieutenant Colonel Shingange accompanied by the station Acting Vispol Commander Sergeant Nomvela, Station Communication Officer Sergeant Ntsako Reoh Mabunda, Social Crime Prevention Coordinator Constable Nkuna, Mrs Mhlanga of CPF, Mr Lucky Makhubele of VEP, joined by Moshate wa Selwane, Mr Mangena of Department of Social Development and Ms Mokgalaka of Baphalaborwa Municipality.


The event was aimed to encourage the community to prioritise the safety of elderly people and children as they are the most vulnerable group affected by crime.


Members of the community were also encouraged to report criminal activities to the police.  The contact numbers of the Station Commander, Community Service Centre and other Station management were shared to the audience.


The event was coupled with the visit to the elderly person who was the victim of crime which happened recently and food parcels were handed out to them.


Source: South African Police Service

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