‘Love Train’ techno parade takes place in Berlin

Fewer participants than expected joined the start of the techno parade dubbed the Zug der Liebe ( Love Train ) through central Berlin on Saturday . Police said in the afternoon that around 7 , 500 people attended , although 20 , 000 had registered . Numerous music trucks travelled with loud bass and electronic music from Mauerpark , or Wall Park , that is located on a former part of the Berlin Wall and its Death Strip , to the main Oranienstrasse street through the district of Kreuzberg . The organizers wanted to send ” a strong message for tolerance , diversity , and solidarity ” this year , they announced online . On the trucks and banners , slogans such as ” Refugees still welcome ,” ” Techno creates education ” and ” Love wins ” were displayed . According to the police , the Love Train proceeded without any noteworthy disturbances . dpa fbg bg xxde wjh cro

Source: The Namibia News Agency