October 23, 2024

As part of its Mandela Day Legacy Programme, SALGA KZN adopted Wit-Umfolozi Combined Primary School in Emadlangeni Local Municipality under Amajuba District, in order to demonstrate commitment and sustainability. The school is situated in the Treager Estate Farm and was built by the farmer and the community in 1899, it has 205 learners and 10 teachers. The school was in a dire situation as some of the classes were built with asbestos which is health hazard to learners and teachers. Also, besides its hazardous nature the classes were also overcrowded and dilapidated.

During its the inaugural visit in 2019, the SALGA Provincial Executive Committee identified the dire need of the school which led to it being adopted by SALGA for support. SALGA partnered with Kunene Makopo Risk Solutions, MTN SA, KZN Department of Education and Rand water and donated hand sanitizers, face masks, e-learning tablets, sanitizer stands, food parcels, 1000L water tank and 6 taps with run running water, 10 toilets (boys and girls), 5 mobile classrooms, furniture (desks and chairs) and school bags for learners. SALGA, together with Emadlangeni Local Municipality leadership and their partners will be visiting the school to hand-over the donations.

The visit is scheduled for Thursday, 27 January 2022, 09h00 at Wit-Umfolozi Combined Primary School, Treager Estate Farm, Vryheid;

Members of the media are invited to attend and witness the support that has been provided to the school to improve the lives of the learners.



Source: Government of South Africa

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