September 19, 2024

Addis Ababa: The largest Russian geological institute, Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, has expressed its willingness to share its advanced technologies to Ethiopia in the fields of geology.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Institute Director-General Pavel Khimchenko said the institute delegation has seen a lot of perspectives in Ethiopia.

Accordingly, ‘we have main directions to develop together, including in geological mapping with a different scale.’

‘We can investigate, and also do geological mapping with a different scale. We have huge potential for cooperation in the future. Here, you see a lot of Russian and Ethiopian companies. I see how they contact each other and collaborate,’ he stated.

Given the huge potential in the geological sphere, and probably this next year, we’ll see the concrete results of our cooperation, Khimchenko added.

The institute is open to sharing technologies, and we have a lot of goods, services and works that we can provide.

The director-general further
said the institute ‘can provide technologies for Ethiopia, especially in IT technologies, in geology, geological mapping; and on how to investigate the special tough minerals and also how to do some stability studies for the future fields.’

Commenting about the hospitality of Ethiopians, he said ‘I see that we are close to each other. I see that we are real friends and not friends in words. We are friends in real deals. That’s why I see the huge potential for future steps and real steps.’

The Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute is the leading institution of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources in regional geological studies.

Its main role is providing support and execution of state geological mapping of the Russian Federation and its adjacent water areas, the creation of a state network of reference geological and geophysical profiles, parametric and super-deep wells.

It also provides scientific and technical support of geological exploration, scientific, thematic, and experimental and meth
odological activities.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency