September 20, 2024

From time to time, police officers are expected to play different roles in the communities that they serve, over and above their core functions of policing.


The Station Commander of SAPS Kinkelbos, Captain Nomachule Saki and her Community Policing Officer, Constable Vanessa Baartman displayed courage and impressively played role of midwives, when they assisted a woman giving birth to a healthy baby boy in Colchester on Tuesday, 26 October 2021. This follows after a traffic officer entered the police station and alerted the Station Commander that a pregnant woman is in labour at a house in Colchester.


The two female officers armed themselves with birthing essentials such as gloves, and immediately responded to the call for assistance.  The officers found the 30-year-old woman already in advanced labour and assisted her in delivering her beautiful, healthy baby.


The officers’ awe was lauded by the baby’s parents who extended their gratitude for their help.


Source: South African Police Service

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