September 22, 2024

the police at Kagisanong were called to a scene at an open veld near the R702 Road where the lifeless body of a female was found at about 10:00.

The half-naked body was burned from the chest to the face with the t-shirt pulled above the breast; her long brown braided hairstyle could still be recognised. The deceased had a stab wound on the inner left thigh and bruises indicating a struggle and possibly being dragged on the right thigh.

Any member of the public who can assist police in identifying the victim and information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect(s) is requested to contact Lieutenant Colonel Mahlomola Kibinye at 082 526 2722. Alternatively the information can be submitted on MySAPS App or call the SAPS Crime Stop number 08600 10111.

Source : South African Police Service