September 19, 2024

WALVIS BAY – The International University of Management (IUM) has announced its plans to establish a new coastal campus in Walvis Bay, with an investment of N.dollars 38 million, aiming to bring educational opportunities closer to the communities in the region.

According to NAMPA, At the ground-breaking ceremony held on Thursday, IUM Founder and Council Chair, Professor David Namwandi, expressed his concern regarding the challenges faced by students traveling long distances for education. He emphasized the need for accessible education, stating, “It is in light of this that IUM has decided that education should not only be offered in faraway capital cities, but also close to where the communities reside in order to reduce the cost of education.”

Namwandi also acknowledged the support of the Erongo Region’s leadership in providing land for the new campus, highlighting such cooperation as crucial for national development.

Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope underscored the significance of a university in a community, particularly in terms of economic development. He elaborated on the university’s potential role in generating economically viable knowledge and collaborating with regional partners to meet the private sector’s skills demands.

Itope expressed optimism about the impact of the new campus on the region’s educational landscape, noting its potential to offer valuable opportunities for individuals to gain knowledge and skills for various career paths. He remarked, “By empowering our youth through education, we empower our region and set it on a path toward sustainable development.”

Reflecting on IUM’s decision to build a campus at the coast, Itope saw it as a sign of confidence in the region’s growth and development prospects.

Walvis Bay Deputy Mayor Saara Mutondoka commented on the economic benefits of the development, highlighting its potential to create jobs both during and after construction. She stressed the positive impact the campus will have on the town and region’s economy.

Construction of the campus is expected to start immediately. Additionally, IUM is also in the process of constructing a state-of-the-art research center in Swakopmund, anticipated to be completed by mid-2024.