September 24, 2024

SAPS members continues commitment and dedication to keep our community safe yield positive results during operation “Vuthu Hawe” at Sterkspruit.


It is alleged that on 2 October 2021 from 14:00 Sterkspruit members from Visible Policing and ORS commenced with Operation Vuthu Hawe lead by the station commander Colonel Baninzi.


As the members were busy with high visibility patroles and operational activities they received information with regard to a broken down Toyota Quantum on the side of the road near Herschel with three suspicious males.  The members proceeded to the mentioned direction and spotted the Quantum. As they approached the three males ran to the nearby bushes.


The members chased the suspects and found them in the bushes, two of them carrying fire arms.  They instructed them to drop the firearms and were arrested.


No shot were fired and no injuries sustained by the members or the suspects.


A 46-year-old suspect was arrested for the unlawful possession of a Z88 firearm and ammunition. A 22-year-old suspect for the unlawful possession of a revolver and ammunition. The third suspect, a 50-year-old and the abovementioned two is also charged with the possession of a suspected stolen vehicle.


All possible leads will be followed up to determine the origin of the firearm and the vehicle.


The acting District Commissioner Brigadier Rudolph Adolph commended the members and Col Baninzi for the swift reaction and the recovery of the firearms and the vehicle.


The firearms recovered from the wrong hands made it possible that further serious crimes have been prevented.


Thank you to the community for their attentiveness and swift response to the SAPS.


Source: South African Police Service

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