September 29, 2024
The Electoral Commission (IEC) will on Tuesday brief media on the general readiness for 2024 National and Provincial Elections at Election House in Centurion. 'The briefing will cover the preparations for out-of-country voting, which is scheduled to ...

The Electoral Commission (IEC) will on Tuesday brief media on the general readiness for 2024 National and Provincial Elections at Election House in Centurion. 'The briefing will cover the preparations for out-of-country voting, which is scheduled to take place in 111 foreign missions on Friday, 17 May and Saturday, 18 May 2024,' the commission said in a statement. More than 78 000 South African citizens living in other countries will cast their vote on 17, 18 and 19 May 2024. The Commission also reminded voters that the deadline for applications to vote outside of their district is on Friday, 17 May 2024 at 5pm. Meanwhile, the Electoral Commission says it has noted the Constitutional Court ruling on the matters brought before it by three political parties concerning their exclusion from the national and provincial ballots. The three parties -- the Labour Party, the African Congress for Transformation Party, and the African Alliance for Social Democrats Party -- approached the Constitutional Court on an u rgent basis to re-open the candidate nomination and submission period of the election timetable and/or postpone the elections as proclaimed. During a hearing on Friday, the Constitutional Court ruled that the three parties will be excluded from the ballot paper of the 2024 elections. 'The ruling by the Constitutional Court allows the Electoral Commission to continue with final preparations for the general elections on Wednesday, 29 May 2024. The Electoral Commission is focused on fulfilling its mandate of delivering free, fair, and credible 2024 National and Provincial Elections,' the Commission said. Source: South African Government News Agency