Hlabisa Prepares for Presidential Imbizo at Umnini Sportfield.

eThekwini: The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Velenkosini Hlabisa, has convened an inter-ministerial task team in preparation for the District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo, which is scheduled for this Friday. President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead the event at the Umnini Sportfield in Umgababa, KwaZulu-Natal, on 8 November 2024. The gathering will include Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Premiers, MECs, mayors, councillors, and traditional leaders.

According to South African Government News Agency, the meeting of the inter-ministerial task team received reports on the state of readiness to host the imbizo, as well as the province’s socio-economic profile and service delivery matters. The discussion involved various reports, and the leadership from the three spheres of government provided guidance and advice to ensure that the imbizo achieves its objectives.

The focus of Friday’s imbizo will be on enhancing cooperative governance and integrated service delivery. The DDM P
residential Imbizo serves as a public participation platform that ensures community voices and perspectives are included in advancing participatory democracy. It also aims to bring government closer to the people by facilitating direct engagement with communities and promoting active citizenry to build better communities.

Additionally, the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) will host its annual Government Exhibition Day at Umnini Thusong Centre. The exhibition will offer access to essential services such as those provided by the Department of Home Affairs, assisting residents with issuing identity documents (IDs), birth certificate registration, and other identity-related services. The GCIS will also host employees from the Department of Labour and the South African Social Security Agency.