Health on United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief support for South Africa to fight HIV/AIDS

PEPFAR commits to support SA to fight HIV/AIDS

Montreal, Canada: The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has committed to continue with support to South African government in the fight against HIV infections, especially new infections amongst young people.

This commitment was made during the bilateral meeting between Minister of Health Dr Joe Phaahla and Dr John Nkengasong, the newly appointed PEPFAR Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator of the United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally, on the side-lines of the 24th International AIDS Conference in Montreal, Canada.

Both leaders agreed that the fight against HIV infections will remain difficult to win, unless young people are actively involved, capacitated and participate in the development of interventions and policies to fight the spread of the disease, and ensure those who test positive are initiated on treatment immediately.

Minister Phaahla and Dr Nkengasong have also agreed on a robust sustainability framework to ensure alignment of programmes and continued bilateral partnership to discuss the achievements made through PEPFAR support and identify gaps that require attention.

Source: Government of South Africa