September 23, 2024

A 40 year old Nicolette Sheenah Sebesho and her entity (juristic person) Namolo Trading Pty (Ltd), pleaded guilty on 11 counts of contravention of Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011. The accused appeared before Kimberley Specialised Commercial Crime on Monday, 09 September 2024.

During March 2020, the accused and her entity were awarded a tender to supply Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs Rural Reform with hand sanitisers, face marks and other related products worth R207 750.00. Mrs Sebesho and her entity failed to pay value added tax to the South African Revenue Services (SARS) as required by Section 25 of Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011. Kimberley Serious Corruption Investigation successfully investigated the matter and brought the accused person before court on 28 November 2023, for their first court appearance.

The case was reminded to 19 September 2024 for sentencing by Kimberley Specialised Commercial Crime.

Source: South African Police Service