Group wants Cameroon president’s daughter prosecuted for promoting LGBTQ

A pressure group in Cmeroon, fighting against the decriminalization of LGBTQ in Cameroon has petitioned the Attorney General attached to the Mfoundi Court of Girst Instance in Yaounde, centre region, to prosecute President Paul Biya’s daughter Brenda Biya for promoting LGBTQ in Cameroon.

The petition was signed on behalf of the group by the president, Partice Christ. The group argued that by sharing the picture of her girlfriend on June 20, 2024, on her Instagram, she couldn’t wait for the world to know that she was madly in love with the Brazilian.

They reminded the Attorney that Brenda Biya has gone against article 347(1) of the penal code and should be given at least 6 months or five years imprisonment with fines related to the sanctions.

Brenda Biya later amplified her stance by telling French newspaper, Le Parisien that she did not care about the consequences Brenda Biya sends strong message to father, Paul Biya, ‘change homosexuality laws’ – Cameroon News Agency

Source: Cameroon News Agency