September 25, 2024

GOAL Sierra Leone, in partnership with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, has officially commissioned 123 newly constructed water points in the Moyamba and Kenema districts. The project is part of an ambitious initiative to provide 100 per cent district-wide access to safe drinking water, particularly for rural communities, schools, and Peripheral Health Units (PHUs). This milestone was celebrated at a ceremony attended by local chiefs, government officials, and community members.

Eric Massally, Director of NGO Affairs at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, commended GOAL Sierra Leone and its partners for their unwavering commitment to improving the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector. He lauded their efforts in supporting the government’s strategic priorities for sustainable development. GOAL Sierra Leone’s work is a testament to effective collaboration and the alignment of NGO efforts with the government’s national agenda,’ Massally said.

The project, which has alr
eady delivered 554 water points between 2018 and 2024, was funded by Charity: Water, a global non-profit dedicated to providing clean water to communities in need. Mohamed Issa, Health Coordinator for GOAL Sierra Leone, described the initiative as a ‘significant milestone’ in ensuring safe drinking water reaches the most vulnerable populations across the two districts. He also announced that an additional 106 water points would soon be completed to achieve full coverage in Moyamba and Kenema.

In his remarks, Issa emphasised the importance of community ownership of the water points, urging residents to take responsibility for maintaining the facilities. “The success of these water points depends not only on their construction but on the communities’ commitment to keeping them functional,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Water Resources Francis Kallon echoed this sentiment, stressing the importance of sustainability. “Water is life, and sanitation is dignity. We must ensure that these facilities remain operationa
l for generations,” Kallon remarked, urging residents to safeguard the new water points as vital resources.

Notable local figures, including Paramount Chief Fayia Sovula IV of Kamajei Chiefdom in Moyamba and Paramount Chief Alameen Kanneh of Koya Chiefdom in Kenema graced the commissioning ceremony. Both chiefs expressed deep appreciation for the project, noting the significant impact it will have on their communities. “This initiative brings immense joy and relief to our people. We encourage other organisations to follow GOAL Sierra Leone’s example and invest in similar projects in their chiefdoms,” Chief Kanneh said.

In his closing remarks, Eric Massally reiterated the government’s support for initiatives like this, which align with national development goals. ‘The people of Moyamba and Kenema districts are set to benefit immensely from these newly commissioned water points. This is a step toward ensuring that no one is left behind in accessing clean and safe water,’ he concluded.

With the continued effo
rts of GOAL Sierra Leone and its partners, the vision of providing universal access to safe drinking water in these districts is steadily becoming a reality.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency