October 28, 2024

An African rock artwork, part of the Global stone project, has been placed in the Green Point Urban Park. The 20 ton stone, inscribed in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa with the word Hope, is a donation to the City of Cape Town. Read more below:


‘The City of Cape Town’s Arts & Culture Branch is honoured to receive this piece of public art which is not only part of a worldwide project, but is one about hope, peace and a symbol of mankind’s unity. Being part of the Global Stone project, and being chosen as the site to represent the continent, is indeed a privilege,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia van der Ross.

The German artist, Wolfgang Kraker von Schwarzenfeld, donated the stone with no financial implications for the City.


The project consists of ten stones of which five are placed in countries which represent each continent, and the other five are placed in Berlin.




All the stones are sculptured, polished and inscribed.


According to the artist, the pairs of stones from the continents represent the five steps towards peace: Africa (hope), Europe (awakening), Asia (forgiveness), America (love) and Australia (peace).


The African stone was placed in the park on Friday.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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