September 20, 2024

Gauteng young warriors to battle in the Provincial Indigenous Games

Gauteng’s young warriors are ready for battle this coming weekend in the provincial Indigenous Games with teams and players from the 5 Gauteng regions competing for a place in the provincial team.


The games, which are part of the Gauteng City Region Provincial heritage month programme, take place this coming Saturday, 11 September at Munsieville Sport Complex, in Mogale City starting at 9h00.


They are part of Participants will on be competing against each other in 9 different codes; Morabaraba, Kgati, Njuva, Juskei, Intonga, Drie-Stokies, Khokho, Dibeke and Diketo.


The selected provincial team will represent Gauteng at the National Indigenous Games taking place later during the Heritage Month of September in KwaZulu-Natal.


Says Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Mbali Hlophe; “we hope to come up with a strong team that will carry the belief of the people of Gauteng as the ‘home of champions’. We have all the advantage as a multicultural province to do well in the games”.


According to MEC Hlophe, the games offer an opportunity to reflect and rediscover ways to revive Africa.


“One of the important ways towards achieving the Renaissance of Africa is the preservation of its traditions and heritage, whilst also celebrating its cultural wealth. The Indigenous Games are an important part of re-invoking past ways of building socially cohesive communities; and the sharing of knowledge among others.

“They go a long way to tell stories on how our forefathers and foremothers lived and communicated before the complicated world we live in today,” said MEC Mbali Hlophe.


Source: Government of South Africa

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