Gauteng Legislature conducts oversight visit to Ekurhuleni hospitals, 19 May

Standing committee to conduct external meeting and oversight visits based on the tabled Gauteng Department of Health Regulations

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Subordinate Legislation has scheduled an external meeting, which will be followed by oversight visits to two hospitals in Ekurhuleni. This will take place on Thursday 19 May 2022 from 10h00-15h00. 

The purpose of the meeting is to allow for the Department to present and motivate for the approval of the (three) tabled Regulations from the  Gauteng Department of Health, being (1) the Revision of the Uniform Patient Fee Schedule Relating to Ambulance,2022 (2) Revision of the Uniform Patient Fee Schedule Relating to Hospital Mortuary, 2022 and the Revision of the Uniform Patient Fee Schedule Relating to the Classification of and Fees Payable by Patients at Provincial Hospitals (Folateng Wards), 2022.

The oversight visits by the committee will review how previous regulations (2021) have been implemented and are affecting the community and staff members. This form of Public Participation allows for the committee to have open dialog and insight on the challenges and lessons from previous regulations of this kind.

Source: Government of South Africa