October 26, 2024

PARIS— Over fifty people were arrested in France overnight as fans of Algeria celebrated their Arab Cup final triumph, largely on the Champs Elysees in Paris.


French police said Sunday that in Paris alone 32 were detained and 432 people had been cautioned, mainly for traffic offences as fans celebrated in the city centre.


African champions Algeria beat Tunisia in Qatar on Saturday with a 2-0 extra-time win in the final of the Arab Cup, sending supporters out in droves across France with further incidents in Lyon and Roubaix.


In the rest of France, 23 people were arrested, including 14 in particularly in Roubaix, where nearly 1,000 people celebrated the victory, according to a police source. While about two thousand people gathered in the city of Lille, where the police arrested two people.


In Lyon, seven police officers were slightly injured and one person was arrested, according to the Rhone province and a police source.




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