October 18, 2024

Windhoek: The Electoral Commission of Namibia ( ECN ) on Wednesday rejected the nominations of Ally Angula and two other independent presidential candidates . ECN Chairperson Elsie Nghikembua announced the decision to reject the nominations of Angula , Jeremia Kaambo , and Else Chen during the commission ‘ s sitting in Windhoek . ‘ Candidates will be notified in writing of this rejection and the grounds upon which it has been made ,’ Nghikembua said . To give the affected candidates the opportunity to take the necessary actions , Nghikembua extended the public sitting for the declaration of candidates nominated for the presidential election to Thursday morning . This is in accordance with Section 75 ( 3 )( b ) of the Electoral Act of 2014 . ‘ The extension has been granted to afford registered political parties or persons who have submitted nominations the opportunity to rectify any rejected nominations or nominate another qualified person as a candidate for the election ,’ she said . On her part , Angula , a
chartered accountant , expressed her challenges with the new ECN system during the submission of her candidacy but remained optimistic , stating , ‘ We know that we will be announced as going into the elections tomorrow .’ The former Namibian Accountant General and Head of State Accounts last year announced her intention to run as an independent candidate in the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly Elections . ECN commissioner Pius Iikwambi said the requirements for nomination as an independent presidential candidate includes that his or her nomination is supported by at least 500 registered voters per region . ‘ The list must contain the names , voters ‘ registration numbers , and residential addresses , and must be signed by the persons supporting the nomination of such a candidate , none of whom have already signed in support of any other candidate in respect of the election concerned ,’ Iikwambi explained . Other requirements include a receipt for N . dollars 10 000 deposited into the State Revenue
Fund by or on behalf of the candidate .

Source: The Namibia News Agency