September 20, 2024

ALFRED NDZO DISTRICT: In closing the Women’s Month Celebrations, the Provincial Commissioner of the Eastern Cape, Lt Gen LE Ntshinga addressed the members who were going for Operation Basadi duties in Mzamba.


The operations included a roadblock and Vehicle Check Points (VCP) on R61 Road in Seaview Location and is expected to run concurrently with other activities including a visit to a domestic violence victim’s home, a school awareness program and the release of the Provincial First Quarter Crime Statistics 2021/2022 whereby the Provincial Commissioner will join the MEC for Community Safety, Mrs Weziwe Tikana-Gxothiwe at the Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Council Chambers.


“As I’m about to leave the province I’m leaving as a proud mother with confidence that I trust your capabilities in carrying the baton in fighting crime in the Eastern Cape Province. Continue to make me proud, follow my teachings in support of the Provincial Commissioner who will take office after me. We’ve seen the police attacks are rising again let us continue to be vigilant on and off duty to ensure our safety” said Lt Gen Ntshinga.


Addressing the Station Commanders the Provincial Commissioner also said “continue to support these young ones in their endeavours. In many strategic concepts including traditional policing and policing on horseback you are a benchmark and a modelling district. Continue to set the trend” said Lt Gen Ntshinga.


It was a bitter sweet and an emotional moment as Lt Gen Ntshinga addressed the parade and officers for the last time at Alfred Ndzo. The members were then dispersed to their duties for the day, to ensure the safety of the citizens in this area.


After a short briefing with the Station Commanders, the Provincial Commissioner made her way to Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality for the Crime Statistics release.


Source: South African Police Service

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