Dingara tables motion for every Namibian to be given N.dollars 1 million

Swapo Party Member of Parliament (MP) Elifas Dingara on Tuesday tabled a motion in the National Assembly demanding that every Namibian be given N.dollars 1 million in order for them to rearrange their livelihood.

“As you might recall honourable members, I promised you on 17 November 2021 that I will come back with a substantive motion regarding the distribution of N.dollars 1 million to each and every Namibian regardless of race, colour or creed,” Dingara said.

He said public interest and his conscious dictate that the National Assembly ought to pay particular attention to the social and economic conditions in which the majority of Namibians find themselves.

The ultimate objective of this distribution, he explained, is to promote the inherent dignity of all Namibians without discrimination on the basis of social or economic status.

Dingara said the country should derive these financial resources from its own natural resources to provide its citizens with the means to address the challenges they face.

“Article 100 of the Namibian Constitution states that all natural resources, unless lawfully owned, shall belong to the state and under state policy,” he said, noting that Namibian people need quality of life, decent shelter, employment opportunities, quality education and better health care services, whether in towns or rural areas.

He further stated that the fact that the country just buried 16 people at Kayova village due to social deprivation, underdeveloped and multidimensional poverty, requires urgent attention.

He went on to say that Namibia's natural resources, if effectively managed and equitably distributed, should put it in a position to provide a once off N.dollars 1 million to every Namibian.

When this is achieved, many evils will be eliminated within a short period of time, the MP said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency