September 19, 2024
In a historic move, people from different faith groupings are joining forces against gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa in an Interfaith Campaign.Organised by the Faith Action to End GBV Collective, faith scholars, activists and leaders...

In a historic move, people from different faith groupings are joining forces against gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa in an Interfaith Campaign.

Organised by the Faith Action to End GBV Collective, faith scholars, activists and leaders are participating in an Interfaith Consultation in Benoni 14-16 August with the intention to draft a joint Statement of Commitment to real practical and accountable action.

This follows an information-gathering process that a small team of scholars, leaders and activists from each faith community has conducted to explore how gender issues are dealt with inside their faith institution / congregation, as well as to assess the work or ministries their institutions have in relation to the broader community.

The campaign is hosted by a national collective called the Faith Action to End GBV. It was established in 2020 by representatives of faith-based organisations and individuals in response to the many GBV and femicide incidents during the COVID-19 lockdowns, in light of the launch of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-based Violence and Femicide (NSP on GBVF) and in response to the need for the faith sector to play a leading role in realising and implementing the NSP on GBVF.

“There is urgency for the faith sector to make impact in responding effectively as well as preventing gender-based violence and femicide within the country, but also within our different faith communities. This movement towards a united and coordinated faith sector response to GBV has not been seen in South Africa before,” said Daniela Gennrich, Coordinator of We Will Speak Out SA, which acts a Secretariat of the Collective and is coordinating the campaign.

“At the Interfaith Consultation, we will develop a deep and respectful mutual understanding of issues, taking cognisance of the dynamics in each faith community. The hope is that shared understanding will be achieved. Through respecting our differences and building on our shared concerns and agreements that unite us to develop a strong faith voice against GBVF, we expect to emerge with a joint draft Statement of Commitment.”

The draft Statement will go through a validation process amongst South Africa’s faith communities. It will be launched at an Interfaith Summit in November as part of a public Signature Campaign across the country to mobilise widespread support and commitment to practical action.

Representatives from the following faith traditions are engaged in this collaborative process: Islam, Hindu, Baha’i, African Traditional Religion, Reformed Jewish , Brahma Kumaris, and the Christian faith will be represented by three Christian umbrella structures – South African Bishop’s Conference (SACBC), South African Council of Churches (SACC) and The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa (TEASA).

Media Enquiries can be directed to:

Ms Gil Harper, Campaign Communications Coordinator

Cell: 082 434 5874

E-mail: sends e-mail)


Ms Daniela Gennrich, We Will Speak Out South Africa Coalition Coordinator

Cell: 084 581 0622

E-mail: sends e-mail)

Source: Government of South Africa