September 19, 2024
Deputy Minister Kekana to conduct follow-up frontline monitoring visit to Tsantsabane Local MunicipalityDeputy Minister in the Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ms. Pinky Kekana will on the 27th of June 2023 conduct a foll...

Deputy Minister Kekana to conduct follow-up frontline monitoring visit to Tsantsabane Local Municipality

Deputy Minister in the Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ms. Pinky Kekana will on the 27th of June 2023 conduct a follow-up frontline service delivery visit to Tsantsabane Local Municipality, in the Northern Cape Province.

The Deputy Minister visited Postmasburg, Tsantsabane Local Municipality in October 2022 to monitor progress on Provincial and District interventions made after the flooding disaster that hit the area in April 2022, as well as discussing interventions that will minimise the chances of the same disaster repeating itself.

As a result of the floods, 75 households and 76 shacks were damaged. A number of roads across the municipality were also left severely damaged, and in need of gravelling. The construction of adequate road drainage systems and a steel bridge were identified as a priority. These would allow for better stormwater flow and easy access to the main roads. Humanitarian support for the affected households and shacks was initiated and included the replacement of furniture, the donation of clothes, provision of food parcels and school uniforms, and lastly, the replacement of important documents. Out of the 7 wards in Tsantsabane, ward 3 was the most affected by the floods.

The Deputy Minister will be accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Dr Nobuhle Nkabane, the office of the Premier, the District office, MECs, and the local municipality. The purpose of this frontline visit will be to gain insight into the progress of service delivery issues that were outlined in the previous visit by the Deputy Minister in April 2022.

Source: Government of South Africa