September 27, 2024

The Deputy Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Hindowa Bindi, welcomed a delegation from the Embassy of Iceland to the Ministry office in Freetown yesterday.

The meeting between the Ministry and the delegation, led by the Head of Mission for the Embassy of Iceland, provided a platform for both parties to discuss the Ministry’s key priorities and explore potential collaboration with the Icelandic government.

Deputy Minister Bindi, speaking on behalf of the Ministry and the Government of Sierra Leone under the leadership of His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio, expressed appreciation for the visit and outlined the Ministry’s notable progress since its establishment in November 2019. The Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Sannoh, Chief Director Joseph Sinnah, and Deputy Chief Director Charles Vandi contributed to the discussions on the Ministry’s achievements. These include policy reforms and operational measures aimed at improving women’s and children’s welfare and strengthening the Ministry’s capacity
to drive Sierra Leone’s sustainable development agenda forward.

The delegation highlighted their ongoing support for government interventions and capacity-building initiatives in various countries, including Malawi, and expressed interest in similar programs for Sierra Leone. They emphasized the value of exchange learning programs in Iceland and reiterated their commitment to collaborating with the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs to achieve shared goals.

During the meeting, the delegation sought details of the Ministry’s planned activities for the remainder of the year. In response, Deputy Minister Bindi outlined several key initiatives, including:

The Ministry’s annual staff retreat, focused on reviewing the achievements of 2024 and setting future goals, was organized with the involvement of key collaborative partners.

Implementation of the recently enacted Child Rights Bill, passed in 2024, with a focus on lobbying for its full rollout and enforcement.

The expansion of Sexual and Gender-Based
Violence (SGBV) town hall meetings aimed at educating grassroots leaders and community chiefs on gender-related issues and promoting gender equality.

The enforcement of the 2024 Child Marriage Prohibition Act to safeguard children from harmful practices.

The Icelandic delegation concluded the meeting by requesting the Ministry to submit concept notes and indicative budgets for these upcoming initiatives, signalling the potential for further collaboration.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency