September 29, 2024
HEILBRON - A couple aged 35 years was arrested for common robbery and possession of illegal ammunition.It is alleged that on Wednesday, 02 March 2022 at about 14:30, a Traffic Officer was at Long Market Street conducting a Vehicle Check Point (VCP). Th...

HEILBRON - A couple aged 35 years was arrested for common robbery and possession of illegal ammunition.

It is alleged that on Wednesday, 02 March 2022 at about 14:30, a Traffic Officer was at Long Market Street conducting a Vehicle Check Point (VCP). The officer tried to stop a white Opel Corsa but the driver failed to stop. It led to a hot pursuit forcing the driver to stop the vehicle on the R57 into Phiritona.

The officer checked the vehicle and discovered that the vehicle is not roadworthy. When he was about to issue the suspect with a fine, the suspect started to be aggressive and an argument ensued.

The driver resisted arrest. He went on to grab the officers official firearm which they fought over until the magazine fell on the ground. It was picked up by the suspect's wife and they both left.

The traffic officer drove to Heilbron SAPS seeking back up. The suspect was handed over to Heilbron SAPS by his sister-in-law after hearing about the incident that took place earlier.

Heilbron SAPS Station Commander Lt Col Mokhethi conducted his investigation together with his members. It led to the arrest of the wife who was found in possession of the magazine and ammunition at the Informal settlement in Phiritona.

She was also arrested for her involvement in commission of a crime. The couple will appear before the Heilbron Magistrate Court on Friday, 04 March 2022.

Source: South African Police Service