September 19, 2024

Western Cape, South Africa – The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) is actively responding to a Diphtheria outbreak at the Pollsmoor Correctional Centre. National Commissioner Makgothi Thobakgale stated that the department is taking comprehensive measures to contain the spread following the death of a 19-year-old inmate and eight other inmates testing positive for the bacterial infection.

According to South African Government News Agency, the department is implementing several strategies to address the outbreak. These measures include a vaccination campaign with 342 inmates and 36 officials already vaccinated, enhanced hygiene practices, deep cleaning of facilities, and pest control. Additionally, direct contacts of the infected individuals are on day 16 of isolation, with appropriate medical care provided to those at high risk. Regular health screenings for inmates and staff are being conducted to detect potential cases early and prevent further spread.

Medical attention for affected inmates is a priority, with health care professionals available for treatment. The Department of Health is collaborating with DCS to ensure a comprehensive response. Thobakgale emphasized the importance of health education, informing inmates and officials about the symptoms of Diphtheria, vaccination benefits, and preventive measures. The situation is reportedly calm and under control, with no new cases reported in the past five days.

Reflecting on the outbreak’s origin, Thobakgale explained that the deceased inmate fell ill after a court appearance on October 17 and was transferred to Victoria Hospital on October 28, showing malaise and respiratory symptoms. The inmate’s Diphtheria test came back positive on November 2, and he sadly passed away on November 5 at Groote Schuur Hospital. Following this, a contact tracing exercise identified 54 inmates and 15 correctional services officials as contacts, with eight inmates testing positive.

The DCS is acting with urgency to ensure the health and safety of inmates, staff, and the surrounding community, affirming its commitment to creating a safe and healthy environment at the Pollsmoor Correctional facility.