September 22, 2024

The Provincial Commissioner of the Western Cape, Lieutenant General Thembisile Patekile, welcomed members on parade ahead of Operation Basadi, preparing them to fulfil their duties in identified areas.

The members, mostly females, felt the pulse of the heart of General Patekile when he addressed the parade. He encouraged them to be courageous.

“This is women’s month. You must be proud. Thank you to all women who are the reason for us being here as males who could experience a special women’s day. You are the pride of the nation. You will be assisted by the male colleagues who are present with you on the parade. As females, please be mentally strong in your mind,” said General Patekile.

He also urged them to please stay away from Tik Tok in uniform. “You are the property of the State, on duty as well as off duty. Always adhere to the Code of Conduct. Don’t let the community lose confidence in us. We are losing a lot of you as females off duty because of choices you make in life. Please take care of yourselves. The criminals are out there to harm you. Cover each other.

When you perform your duties, you are exposed to what we call in police language as a code 64. Reach out to the person and ensure that the person receive the necessary assistance. As police members, we need to take care of our own mental situation. Take the treatment that is available.

Continue to exercise on Wednesdays. It will be to your own advantage. Don’t allow a chemical imbalance to rule your life.

In conclusion: A happy women’s month.”

Source : South African Police Service