September 19, 2024

The growing concern over climate change and its impacts has underscored fears of massive displacement and social turmoil across Africa, according to the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta.

According to NAMPA, speaking at the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Regional Dialogue with Africa on Monday, Minister Shifeta underscored the disproportionate effects of climate change on the continent. Despite Africa’s minimal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, it faces severe repercussions including heightened temperatures, sea-level rise, and altered rainfall patterns which are predicted to adversely impact much of its populace.

Shifeta drew attention to the negative ramifications on agriculture and food security in sub-Saharan Africa as projected by climate models. The minister listed an array of indicators — such as increased temperatures, desertification, floods, deforestation, and erosion — as evidence of climate change’s ongoing impact, which poses significant environmental, social, and economic challenges for the continent.

He recalled the commitments under the Paris Agreement, noting that while African nations have committed to climate action through greenhouse gas emission reductions and resilience-building, the realization of these commitments is largely contingent on substantial international financial, technical, and capacity-building support. Shifeta emphasized the urgency of climate finance to enable Africa to adapt to climate impacts and align its development with the global warming limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius.