September 20, 2024

The City of Cape Town thanks its residents for once again confirming that Cape Town is the most trusted metro in South Africa, as reported in the 2021 Consulta Citizen Satisfaction Index (SA-csi). Cape Town is the only metro to significantly lead in the citizen satisfaction index with 61.9 out of 100 while the consolidated overall index points across the South African metros are 51.1 out of 100 points. The index plots levels of satisfaction and trust.


‘The Consulta report writers are quoted as saying the driver of satisfaction levels is very much based on aspects of the delivery of basic services. The City also leads in the ‘perceived quality’ of services delivered. Cape Town delivers above par on some of the most important services, as per the report, such as the provision of clean drinking water, refuse removal, access to electricity, roads, and street lighting. We are grateful for the acknowledgement and commit to continue doing more for all our residents.


‘However, the trust and satisfaction levels in metros are the lowest it has been in five years. It should be a concern to all in local government – administrative and political leadership. The people of South Africa deserve better. While we are very pleased to once again be at the top of the list of metros that residents are most satisfied with and trust the most to deliver services, we understand that we still have lots of work to do. I thank the dedicated City teams for going above and beyond the call of duty under the most trying circumstances so that we can continue high levels of service delivery in Cape Town. There are challenges, but we simply must find ways to enhance our offering and collaborate more with our communities to find ways to improve delivery in the unprecedented times we are in as a country and a city,’ said the City’s Executive Mayor, Alderman Dan Plato.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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