September 29, 2024
The City of Cape Town through its Urban Mobility Directorate, has supported the issuing of 1431 new operating licences to minibus-taxi associations across Cape Town.The support for the issuing of these 1431 operating licences forms part of the first ph...

The City of Cape Town through its Urban Mobility Directorate, has supported the issuing of 1431 new operating licences to minibus-taxi associations across Cape Town.

The support for the issuing of these 1431 operating licences forms part of the first phase of the Minibus-taxi Special Regulatory Project under the guidance and leadership of the City of Cape Town.

The Provincial Regulatory Entity (PRE) is mandated to issue operating licences with the City’s support to those operators who form part of the Special Regulatory Project.

In addition, this morning the PRE has advertised all of the proposed new minibus-taxi routes for public comment:

• Up to 533 new routes, across the Cape Town metropolitan area, are being proposed as part of the second phase of the Special Regulatory Project

• This include the Brackengate route

The PRE is now awaiting the comment and objections from interested and affected parties by 8 April 2022.

Those routes for which objections are received, will be subjected to a hearing where objectors will have the opportunity to make representation. If all goes according to schedule, the final decisions will be communicated to the minibus-taxi associations by mid-May 2022.

Once the routes have been registered with the Provincial Regulatory Entity, the City and the Provincial Government will, once again, engage with the minibus-taxi associations about additional operating licences.

‘The Special Regulatory Project is an important instrument to address the concerns raised by the minibus-taxi industry. Great progress has been made to date. I encourage the minibus-taxi associations to please use this process to address concerns and find solutions, as opposed to opting for violent protests. I also encourage the industry to comment on the new routes that are being proposed.

‘By working together, we can resolve challenges, and ensure the minibus-taxi remains viable, while at the same time ensuring that commuters get the service they deserve, and are able to get to work and school and other destinations,’ said the City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Councillor Rob Quintas.

Source: City Of Cape Town