September 20, 2024

The City of Cape Town’s political leadership hosted a fruitful engagement with stakeholders from the development industry earlier today, 16 February 2022. The discussion focused on challenges experienced by the sector and how the City can address these going forward.

‘If we want Cape Town’s economy to grow, we have to be building. Developers are our partners in creating jobs, delivering housing opportunities, and improving the quality of life for Capetonians. Today, I made it clear to the City’s developer community that we are committed to making Cape Town the easiest place in the country to do business,’ said the City’s Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis.

About 150 professionals from the development industry attended this meeting that was hosted by the City’s Mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis and Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews, at the Civic Centre earlier today.

We have made a commitment to Capetonians that the new political leadership will do everything it can to enable investment in Cape Town so that our economy can grow and create jobs. The development industry is pivotal to our economic recovery in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic as it creates direct and indirect job opportunities, and fuels the demand for goods and services associated with the construction industry. Our engagement today focused on the frustrations and inefficiencies experienced by the sector and how the City can assist from our side to streamline the processes associated with development applications, assessments, and approvals so that we can be more efficient and more effective. It was a constructive meeting and I want to thank all of those who have attended,’ said Alderman Andrews.

The City of Cape Town’s Development Management Department implemented various solutions to ensure business continues normally as far as possible during the Covid-19 lockdown period.

Although much work has been done to date to improve these processes, the City is eager to make further improvements based on the feedback from those in the development industry.

Much of today’s discussion focused on proposed reforms, information professionals need prior to submitting an application, status updates on applications, and package plans, among other things.c

‘I intend to host quarterly meetings with the development industry so that we can be informed about their challenges. This will also be an important platform for the exchange of ideas and innovative solutions. It will also assist the City to investigate reforms that will make it easier to submit development applications and to do all we can to prevent delays from our side. In the end it is about building partnerships and creating a solid foundation for cooperation. All of us want Cape Town to prosper, for its economy to grow, and for residents to have access to opportunities. It is the City’s responsibility and mandate to create a regulatory environment that is conducive to investment while at the same time ensuring compliance with the MPBL and the protection of our natural environment and resources,’ said Alderman Andrews.

The next meeting will take place within four months where the City will provide feedback on the issues raised by the industry.



Source: City Of Cape Town

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