September 21, 2024

The City invites residents, stakeholders, and interested parties to a meeting where attendees will have the opportunity to comment on the draft LSDF


Last year the City, together with residents and interested parties, embarked on a journey to refine the overall spatial vision for District Six. The collaboration resulted in a draft neighbourhood plan or Local Spatial Development Framework (LSDF) that has been available for public comment since 1 September 2021.


The City invites residents, stakeholders, and interested parties to a meeting where attendees will have the opportunity to comment on the draft LSDF, and to ask questions. Officials from the City’s Urban Planning and Design Department will also provide feedback on the progress with the draft LSDF.

‘The City is not involved with the restitution process, but we are responsible for creating an overall spatial vision for District Six in collaboration with the District Six community, and other residents. The purpose of this spatial plan is to re-establish this once vibrant neighbourhood, to create a sense of belonging, and to establish a multicultural community. I request all residents to please participate and to comment on the draft LSDF for District Six,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Marian Nieuwoudt.


The City is also collaborating with nominated representatives from the District Six community and stakeholders in finalising a public realm study, which will assist the City in identifying the public open spaces in District Six.


The public realm is the spaces between buildings such as streets, squares, green spaces, and pedestrian areas that are freely accessible to people.


‘To date, the nominated Caretakers have participated in two very productive face-to-face public realm improvement co-design workshops for District Six. The representatives are from various groups, communities, interested and affected parties, and stakeholders. The purpose of the co-design workshops is to develop a framework for proposed public spaces, priorities for these and design guidelines – the look and feel and uses – of the public realm of District Six. We are really excited about this collaboration and still have four more co-design workshops left,’ said Alderman Nieuwoudt.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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