City Health ‘doubles’ down on Diabetes screening

During the 2019/20 financial year, City Health screened 36 666 persons for Diabetes, aged 40 and above. In the 2021/22 financial year, that number increased by 90% to 69 695.

‘This is quite the achievement and underscores the City’s commitment to tackling this very serious non-communicable disease. However, we still have a mountain to climb, not least of which is increasing education and awareness among our younger age groups about the dangers of Diabetes. Gone are the days where this, and many other lifestyle diseases affect only the older generation. We are seeing more and more young people affected, and so it remains critical that everyone knows the risk factors, are screened regularly and receive the appropriate treatment if need be,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia Van der Ross.

Current targets for the management of Diabetes are ensuring that

90% of all people over 18 know whether or not they have raised blood pressure and/or raised blood glucose

60% of people with raised blood pressure or blood glucose receive interventio

50% of people receiving interventions are controlled

Risk factors for diabetes include:

– Age (over 40 years)

– Obesity

– Physical inactivity

– Family history of diabetes

– Previous diabetes in pregnancy or a baby more than 4000g at birth

– Previous impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose

The symptoms of Diabetes to look out for include frequent urination, increased thirst, always feeling hungry, feeling very tired, blurry vision, slow healing of cuts and wounds and tingling, numbness or pain in the hands or feet.

It is important to note that symptoms present long after the onset of Diabetes.

The routine screening for Diabetes and risk assessment services for cardiovascular diseases are available at all City Health facilities.

The medical treatment for Diabetes is available at all City Health Community Day Clinics and selected City health clinics.

‘We encourage the public to use the available resources to educate themselves and their family in order to “protect tomorrow”. Whether you are experiencing symptoms or not, if you have risk factors please present to a facility for screening and in the event of a diagnoses of Diabetes, please access treatment early in the course of the disease in order to prevent the serious complications which could result in long-term disability and a poor quality of life,’ added Councillor Van der Ross.

Source: City Of Cape Town