September 22, 2024

The City Cape Town’s Biodiversity Management Branch is calling on all crafters from the communities neighbouring the Witzands Aquifer Nature Reserve, including Atlantis, Pella and Mamre, to apply to participate in the crafters’ market that will be hosted at the reserve during the festive season in November and December 2021.


The market will be held on 27 and 28 November 2021 and again on 17, 18 and 19 December 2021.


The City hosted the market for the first time in 2019 and it received an overwhelming response, hence, we are opening it again. The purpose of the market is to give crafters, especially local residents, an opportunity to showcase their products and interact with visitors while earning money for themselves.



Items to be sold include the following:

  • arts and craft
  • décor
  • deli products
  • fruit and vegetables
  • handmade clothing
  • knitted stuff
  • toys
  • jewellery
  • preserves


Crafters are reminded that all fresh and baked products they plan to sell on the day must have a label stating an expiry date, the ingredients, and information about allergies.


Only pre-approved products will be allowed at the market and no articles that offend by word or form will be permitted.


‘The market could not have come at a better time – most of our residents are struggling because they have lost jobs and are busy re-inventing themselves while others are small business owners who suffered a loss due to the current pandemic. The residents will now at least be able put bread on the table for their families during the festive season. We are a caring city, committed to doing everything in our power to assist our residents as far as possible in these difficult times. Using our facility and creating an environment to support our communities is one way of keeping to our key priorities,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Marian Nieuwoudt.


To take part in this exciting opportunity, crafters are advised of the following:

  • applications forms for both market periods must be submitted by Thursday, 18 November 2021 and Thursday, 9 December 2021, respectively
  • applications must include photos and a complete product description, those without will not be considered
  • applicants who have not received a response from the City by 24 November 2021 must note that their application for this market day was unsuccessful
  • preference will be given to crafters living or working in the Atlantis; Mamre and Pella area, and who produce locally hand and art crafted products that show creativity and originality


Application and trading enquiries must be sent to:



Entry to the craft market and trading will be free from 08:00 to 16:00 on all days.


‘I call on residents from these communities to take full advantage of this opportunity, especially unemployed residents. I believe they have a lot to offer and it will be good to see their creative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit thrive on this platform. This will also be an opportunity to potentially get new customers. People love locally sourced products. A word of thanks goes out to the reserve staff who are going beyond the call of duty to make this possible,’ said Alderman Nieuwoudt.


Furthermore, Witzands Aquifer Nature Reserve offers participants a beautiful venue in a scenic setting and will provide vendors and visitors an opportunity to spend the day at the Atlantis Dunes.


For general enquiries about the market, please contact Subcouncil 1, corner of Grosvenor and Hermes Avenues, Saxonsea in Atlantis, or phone: 021 444 6039.


All covid-19 protocols and regulations will be strictly observed. No person will be allowed entry to the reserve without wearing a mask.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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