September 23, 2024

The City of Cape Town kindly reminds all registered political parties contesting the upcoming local government elections of the rules applicable to the erection and display of party political posters.


The City of Cape Town has made available the ‘Rules for posters during voter registration, general election, and by-election processes, 2021’ to all registered political parties.


The rules stipulate how and where political parties are allowed to display posters in areas that fall within the City of Cape Town’s municipal boundaries during the current official election period.


It is very important to note that:


political parties are allowed only one election poster per party per streetlight pole and only one additional event poster per party per streetlight pole

posters may only be displayed on streetlight poles

posters may not be displayed on traffic signal poles, electrical or service boxes, any street furniture, walls, fences, trees, rocks or natural features, or any other poles other than light poles

posters may not be pasted, but must be mounted on board and tied securely with stout string or plastic fastening unless a permanent frame is used for this purpose

the display of posters is prohibited on any bridge

the display of posters is not permitted on the freeway sections of the N1, N2, N7 and R300

posters may not exceed 0,9m x 0,6m in size

  • election posters must be removed within 10 days after the election, the string or plastic fasteners must be removed as well

The rules apply to all political parties contesting the upcoming local government elections.


Posters that contravene the rules must be removed by the political party within 48 hours of being notified to do so. Those posters that are contravening the rules and not removed within the stipulated deadline will be removed by the City at the party’s cost.


The cost to remove posters that are contravening the rules is R128 per poster removed and R186 for any pasted poster removed.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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