City advises of possible water supply disruption in Claremont, Harfield Village, Kenilworth, Newlands, Rondebosch and Rosebank

The City’s Water and Sanitation Directorate is currently experiencing technical difficulties on the bulk water supply pipe from its Newlands bulk storage reservoir to its Newlands service reservoir which supplies Claremont, Harfield Village, Kenilworth, Newlands, Rondebosch and Rosebank. This will result in the possible disruption in the water supply to these areas until the maintenance team on site resolves the matter.

The work involves emergency repairs to a faulty control valve on the inlet of the Newlands service reservoir which supplies water into the distribution network. Alternate water supply is being rerouted to the affected areas and possible lower than usual water pressure may be experienced.

During the temporary water supply changeovers possible slight discolouration may be experienced for a brief period, but the water remains safe to drink.

‘We kindly advise residents to reduce their water consumption during this period to eliminate undue strain on the water supply while the repairs are in progress. It is a most unfortunate situation that the faulty valve is hampering the water supply into the distribution network, but our maintenance team is applying their skills to have it functional and reduce the disruption in the shortest possible timeframe,’ said Councillor Zahid Badroodien, Mayoral Committee Member for Water and Sanitation

The City sincerely regrets any inconvenience caused.

Source: City Of Cape Town