September 8, 2024

In his quest to ensure NaCSA continues to realign with the government Big Five game changers , the Commisisoner of NaCSA *Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina* has forged an agreement with the Chinese embassy in Freetown to train provincial Mayors on green public works and social protection initiatives.

Sierra Leone is one of the countries that is adversely affected by climate change , as a result the World Bank in partnership with the government of Sierra Leone through NaCSA is implementing a green public works project in all the cities across the country , these include planting of trees, adequate waste management and sewage disposal.

Being a forward thinking Commisisoner who has served as an Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, he has the first hand experience on how China transformed settlements to green cities, on the social protection aspect , China is a shining example of removing people from poverty . This was clearly explained in President Xi’s book titled ‘Up and Out of Poverty’. The book
explained how President Xi out lifted millions of people from poverty in Ningde.

The desire to make our cities green and promotion of a prosperous society necessitate the reasons Commissioner Ndomahina along side the Chinese *Ambassador Wang Qing* are taking Provincial Mayors from *(Portloko city , Makeni City, Bo City, Bonthe Municipality, Kenema City, and Koidu new Sembehun city)* to china.

The training aims to improve on the human Capital Development of our mayors for smooth implementation of the World Bank Project.

Commisisoner Ndomahina is an ardent advocate of *President Bio’s* human capital development program, this was also reaffirmed by a quote from the popularly Chinese teacher and philosopher Confucius *’Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others’.*

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency