One step closer to interoperability: Applying SNOMED CT’s engine to the International Patient Summary

In 2022, SNOMED International will extend the core of SNOMED CT’s structured clinical terminology to deliver an open, standalone sub-ontology to support the scope of content within the International Patient Summary (IPS) under a Creative Commons license.

London, United Kingdom, Nov. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At SNOMED International’s recent October Business Meetings held in London, the organization’s governance bodies enacted a decision to extend the core of SNOMED CT’s structured clinical terminology to deliver an open, standalone sub-ontology to support the scope of content within the International Patient Summary (IPS.)

The IPS is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information for use in the unscheduled, cross-border care scenario, as well as for local, regional and other care scenarios. It is a minimal, non-exhaustive set of data elements defined by ISO/EN 17269 and delivered by HL7 in both CDA and FHIR using a curated set of SNOMED CT terms.

There is a groundswell of support across all health sectors to increase the portability and usability of patient information for the purpose of safe health care delivery. In 2019, SNOMED International and HL7 International announced the formalization of a license agreement in which a relevant ‘Free for Use’ Set of SNOMED CT coded concepts would be used within the HL7 IPS. Most recently, we watched as G7 leaders collaborated to release a communique on the dire need to progress a global health interoperability agenda. IBM offers a working definition of interoperability as “the timely and secure access, integration and use of electronic health data so that it can be used to optimize health outcomes for individuals and populations.”  The G7 communique, which highlighted the importance of enabling digital healthcare systems worldwide to work together seamlessly as patients move between providers, facilities and even countries, is an impactful statement that rippled throughout the global health community. A charge taken up by the Global Digital Health Partnership, it is one SNOMED International is eager to support.

Embracing a collaborative approach, “SNOMED International has been pleased to continue to work with HL7 International and partners across Europe and beyond to define SNOMED CT content for use in the International Patient Summary,” offered SNOMED International Management Board Chair, Joanne Burns.

Continuing to act in the spirit of the IPS Freeset, SNOMED International has committed to create and release an openly available IPS sub-ontology in the first half of 2022 to enhance the existing cross border movement of information, and ultimately health system interoperability. Unlike SNOMED International’s Global Patient Set, a flat list of SNOMED CT codes and terms, an IPS sub-ontology will provide implementers with a product that can be used in healthcare solutions using the power of SNOMED CT through its query language and hierarchies for the specified scope. Use of the IPS sub-ontology will allow for more effective use of clinical data analytics and decision support, and for Artificial Intelligence applications.

Alex Elias, Chair of SNOMED International’s General Assembly, the organization’s Member governance body, has observed a significant increase in discussion regarding the IPS. “2021 has seen increased interest by governments and Health and Care organizations globally for implementing the IPS to enhance timely cross border health information flow and interoperability. This has been a primary driver in SNOMED International supporting this recent initiative to make the IPS sub-ontology openly available with SNOMED CT content.“

An organization with an extensive history and active program of collaboration, SNOMED International CEO, Don Sweete, has played a pivotal role in positioning the IPS sub-ontology as a ‘soon to be achieved’ reality. “As the G7 Health Ministers recently indicated, the importance of enabling digital healthcare systems worldwide to work together seamlessly so patients don’t suffer as they move between providers, facilities and even countries is a sentiment that has rippled throughout the global health community”, offered Sweete. He went on to state that, “continued work with fellow health standards development, national, clinical and technical entities, SNOMED International will dedicate resources to achieve the goal of digital health interoperability.” Sweete added, “equipping the IPS, already one of the best examples of international collaboration among standards bodies, with the full capability of SNOMED CT’s ontological design is a significant action that we can contribute to achieving health information access gains for patients.”

Over the coming months, SNOMED International is formalizing the steps and due diligence required to make the IPS sub-ontology available for broad release. Throughout this period, SNOMED International will continue to define the IPS sub-ontology, from content through to its release and maintenance approach for launch in the first half of 2022.

Visit SNOMED International’s IPS Sub-Ontology information page or subscribe to the organization’s news service to learn more as this initiative progresses. For additional information, contact


About SNOMED International

SNOMED International is a not-for-profit organization that owns and develops SNOMED CT, the world’s most comprehensive healthcare terminology product. We play an essential role in improving the health of humankind by determining standards for a codified language that represents groups of clinical terms. This enables healthcare information to be exchanged globally for the benefit of patients and other stakeholders. We are committed to the rigorous evolution of our products and services, to deliver continuous innovation for the global healthcare community. SNOMED International is the trading name of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation.


Kelly Kuru
SNOMED International

Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group da Nikkiso Anuncia a Criação de Instalações Navais Expandidas na Coreia

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Nov. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Grupo), subsidiária da Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japão), tem o orgulho de anunciar a expansão das nossas instalações em Busan na Coreia para acomodar o novo Centro Naval deles. Esta expansão representa o compromisso e apoio deles ao crescimento da indústria de construção naval coreana.

A nova e maior instalação fornece soluções marítimas de sistema completo e servirá como a base do Grupo para todas as atividades marítimas da Coreia. Como instalação unificada da Nikkiso, eles fornecerão soluções marítimas, incluindo skids de bombas, vaporizadores, controles, skids de gás combustível de alta pressão, serviços e muito mais. A instalação inclui capacidades completas de testes criogênicos, e equipe expandida de engenheiros de concepção, gerentes de produção e projetos.

A área naval tem sido um dos principais focos do Grupo, e essa expansão proporciona uma forte estrutura de suporte para o crescimento futuro. A nova instalação está perfeitamente localizada na região para apoiar os principais clientes e proporcionar crescimento antecipado do foco da indústria naval em energia limpa. Com aproximadamente 4.000 metros quadrados, a instalação está equipada para fabricar bombas criogênicas, skid de vaporizador FGSS, skids de estação LH2, skids de processo, e também contará com a mais recente instalação de teste de skid de bomba LN2. O local também inclui um centro de serviço de 342 metros quadrados.

De acordo com Daryl Lamy, Presidente da Nikkiso Cryogenic Pumps: “a Nikkiso ACD é o fornecedor preferido de skids de Gás Combustível para a indústria de construção naval coreana há mais de 20 anos! Com a nossa nova instalação de embalagem e teste de skid localizada perto dos estaleiros na Coreia, agora temos ainda maior capacidade e suporte local para atender ao substancial aumento e demanda global por novas embarcações de transporte e carga movidas a GNL.”

De acordo com Peter Wagner, CEO da Cryogenic Industries e Presidente do Grupo: “Este é um próximo passo empolgante e um marco importante para o nosso Grupo e para o mercado Naval movido a GNL, além de ser um benefício significativo para os nossos clientes da área Naval. A Nikkiso CE&IG agora pode fornecer sistemas e soluções completas para nossos clientes com suporte total da fábrica.”

Informações de Contato:

Nikkiso Clean Energy e Industrial Gases – Coreia
Matriz e Fábrica         : 83, Nosan sanup jung-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46752, Coreia do Sul
Escritório              : #1912, 170 Ganggyo jungang-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon,
Gyuenggi 16614 Coreia do Sul

A Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (agora membro da Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fabrica equipamentos de processamento de gás criogênico projetados e plantas de processo de pequena escala para as indústrias de gás natural liquefeito (GNL), serviços de poços e gás industrial. Fundada há mais de 50 anos, a Cryogenic Industries é a empresa controladora da ACD, Cosmodyne e Cryoquip, e de um grupo comumente controlado de aproximadamente 20 entidades operacionais.

Para mais informação, visite e

Anna Quigley

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group annonce la création d’une installation maritime agrandie en Corée

TEMECULA, Californie, 24 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (ci-après le « Groupe »), filiale de Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japon), est fière d’annoncer l’agrandissement de son usine de Pusan (Corée) en vue d’accueillir son nouveau centre maritime. Ce projet d’extension traduit son engagement et son soutien en faveur de la croissance du secteur coréen de la construction navale.

Le nouveau site, doté d’une envergure plus étendue, vise à produire des solutions maritimes complètes et à servir de base à l’ensemble des activités maritimes du Groupe en Corée. En qualité de site unifié de Nikkiso, l’enterprise fournira des solutions maritimes, notamment des patins de pompe, vaporisateurs, systèmes de commande, patins de gaz combustible à haute pression, ainsi que des services et bien plus encore. L’installation comprend des capacités de test cryogénique complètes et un personnel élargi comprenant des ingénieurs de conception, des responsables de production et des chefs de projet.

Le secteur maritime constitue une priorité majeure du Groupe, et cet agrandissement met à sa disposition une structure solide en vue de soutenir sa croissance future. La situation de la nouvelle installation est idéale dans la région pour desservir sa clientèle stratégique et assurer une croissance anticipée de l’accent mis par l’industrie maritime sur les énergies propres. D’une superficie d’environ 4 000 mètres carrés, le site de production est équipé pour fabriquer et produire des pompes cryogéniques, patins de vaporisateur FGSS, patins de station LH2 et patins de traitement, et il comprendra la dernière installation d’essai des patins de pompe LN2. Il comprend également un centre de service de 342 mètres carrés.

Selon Daryl Lamy, président de Nikkiso Cryogenic Pumps, « Nikkiso ACD est le fournisseur de patins pour gaz combustibles privilégié par l’industrie coréenne de la construction navale depuis plus de 20 ans ! Grâce à notre nouveau site de conditionnement et d’essai des patins localisé à proximité des chantiers navals en Corée, nous disposons désormais d’une capacité et d’un soutien local encore plus grands pour répondre à la croissance et à la demande mondiales significatives en matière de nouveaux navires de transport et de fret alimentés par GNL ».

Peter Wagner, président-directeur général de Cryogenic Industries et président du Groupe, a pour sa part déclaré : « Il s’agit d’une nouvelle étape prometteuse et d’un tournant important important pour notre Groupe et pour le marché maritime propulsé par GNL, ainsi que d’un avantage significatif pour nos clients du secteur maritime. Nikkiso CE&IG sera désormais capable de fournir des systèmes complets et de soutenir ses clients avec une solution entièrement prise en charge en usine ».

Contact :

Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases – Corée
Siège social et usine         : 83, Nosan sanup jung-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46752, Corée
Succursale                : #1912, 170 Ganggyo jungang-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon,
Gyuenggi 16614 Corée

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (aujourd’hui membre de Nikkiso Co., Ltd) et ses entreprises membres fabriquent des équipements et petites usines de traitement du gaz cryogénique pour les secteurs du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), des services d’entretien de puits et du gaz industriel. Fondée il y a plus de 50 ans, Cryogenic Industries est la société-mère d’ACD, Cosmodyne et de Cryoquip, ainsi qu’un groupe administré en commun comptant une vingtaine d’entités opérationnelles.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter les sites et

Contact auprès des médias :
Anna Quigley

Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries devient partenaire agréé du marché secondaire nord-américain pour Tatsuno

TEMECULA, Californie, 24 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le groupe d’énergie propre et de gaz industriels Nikkiso (« Nikkiso ») a annoncé la signature d’un protocole d’accord avec Tatsuno North America, Inc. (« Tatsuno ») en vue d’initier une coopération en tant que partenaire agréé sur le marché secondaire de ses distributeurs d’hydrogène en Amérique du Nord et d’établir un cadre de coopération.

Conformément aux termes du protocole d’accord, Nikkiso fournira des pièces de rechange, des services de maintenance et de réparation des distributeurs d’hydrogène de Tatsuno à partir de son réseau d’Amérique du Nord, situé à proximité des stations de recharge d’hydrogène de l’utilisateur final. En outre, Nikkiso installera et mettra en service de nouveaux distributeurs, y compris la fourniture de services d’assistance technique et de pré-configuration pour les systèmes de recharge et de gestion de flotte de Tatsuno.

La distribution d’hydrogène est un nouveau marché en développement et un élément important de la solution de station de ravitaillement en hydrogène. Ces distributeurs assurent un ravitaillement sûr et rapide pour les véhicules utilitaires légers et lourds à 350 barg et 700 barg.

« Le partenariat nouvellement formé avec Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries et Tatsuno renforce notre présence sur le marché de l’hydrogène et nous permet de mieux desservir les marchés nord-américains », a déclaré Teru Murakami, responsable de l’activité de cryogénie commerciale de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. « Nous avons à cœur de fournir à nos clients un service et une assistance de qualité supérieure », a-t-il ajouté.

La société Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries a été choisie pour ce nouveau partenariat à long terme en raison de ses relations et de son expérience dans le domaine de l’hydrogène. La société est également en mesure de fournir des services étendus, y compris des solutions complètes de ravitaillement en hydrogène. Ce partenariat apportera également de nouveaux emplois à l’économie de services locale.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (aujourd’hui membre de Nikkiso Co., Ltd) et ses entreprises membres fabriquent des équipements et petites usines de traitement du gaz cryogénique pour les secteurs du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), des services d’entretien de puits et du gaz industriel. Fondée il y a plus de 50 ans, Cryogenic Industries est la société-mère d’ACD, de Cosmodyne et de Cryoquip, ainsi qu’un groupe administré en commun comptant une vingtaine d’entités opérationnelles.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter les sites et

Contact auprès des médias :
Anna Quigley +1.951.383.3314

Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries torna-se parceiro autorizado de mercado secundário da Tatsuno na América do Norte

TEMECULA, Calif., Nov. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Nikkiso”) da Nikkiso anunciou a assinatura de um Memorando de Entendimento (MOU) com a Tatsuno North America, Inc. (“Tatsuno”) para iniciar a cooperação como Parceiro Autorizado de Mercado Secundário de seus Dispensadores de Hidrogênio na América do Norte para a criação de uma base de cooperação.

Sob os termos do MOU, a Nikkiso fornecerá peças de reposição, serviços de manutenção e reparo dos Dispensadores de Hidrogênio da Tatsuno através da rede de instalações da Nikkiso na América do Norte que estão perto das estações de reabastecimento de hidrogênio do usuário final. Além disso, a Nikkiso irá encomendar e instalar novos dispensadores, além de fornecer suporte de engenharia e pré-configuração para os sistemas de gerenciamento de carregamento e de frota da Tatsuno.

A distribuição de hidrogênio é um mercado novo e em desenvolvimento, e um componente importante da solução da estação de abastecimento de hidrogênio. Esses dispensadores fornecem abastecimento seguro e rápido para veículos leves e pesados a 350 barg e 700 barg.

“A parceria recém-formada da Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries com a Tatsuno fortalece a presença do nosso Hidrogênio e viabiliza que possamos atender melhor os mercados norte-americanos”, disse com Teru Murakami, Gerente Geral do Departamento de Negócios Criogênicos da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. “Estamos prontos para fornecer aos clientes da Tatsuno um serviço e suporte de alta qualidade.”

A Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries foi escolhida para esta nova parceria de longo prazo por causa dos seus relacionamentos e experiência com hidrogênio. Ela também fornece serviços expandidos, incluindo soluções completas de sistema de abastecimento de hidrogênio. Esta parceria também viabilizará a criação de novos postos de trabalho para as economias locais das instalações de serviço.

A Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (agora membro da Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fabrica equipamentos de processamento de gás criogênico projetados e plantas de processo de pequena escala para as indústrias de gás natural liquefeito (GNL), serviços de poços e gás industrial. Fundada há mais de 50 anos, a Cryogenic Industries é a empresa controladora da ACD, Cosmodyne e Cryoquip, e de um grupo comumente controlado de aproximadamente 20 entidades operacionais.

Para mais informação, visite e

Anna Quigley +1.951.383.3314

Thunes Partners with Ethiopia’s Ethio telecom to Power Cross-Border Transfers for its Mobile Money users

SINGAPORE and ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Nov. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Thunes, a leading global payments platform, today announced a partnership with Ethio telecom, Ethiopia’s largest telecom operator with more than 59 million subscribers. With access to Thunes network, telebirr will become the first telecom operator-led money transfer service in Ethiopia to deliver a fast, transparent and cost-effective money transfer experience to its customer base of over 11 million mobile money users.

This partnership enables users of Ethio telecom’s mobile money platform, telebirr, to receive real-time cross-border payments from anywhere in the world via Thunes’ global partner network, which enables payments to 116 countries in over 70 currencies. This move will significantly expand and enhance international payments in Ethiopia.

“In Africa, mobile operators play a crucial role in driving innovation and adoption of financial services. So we are extremely delighted to collaborate with Ethio telecom on this initiative and enable real-time payments into the telebirr mobile money accounts. Ethiopian people rightfully expect payments to be fast, inclusive, and affordable, and through the power of our technology we hope to address the needs of consumers and businesses in this dynamic market,” said Sandra Yao, Senior Vice President, Africa, Thunes.

To date, over 11 million people in Ethiopia are using telebirr since its inauguration launch on 11 May 2021. The mobile money platform allows users to send and receive money, deposit or take out cash at appointed agents, receive cash from abroad, transfer from bank to wallet and wallet to bank, pay for goods, airtime top up, buy package and pay bills to merchants. Over the last two decades, remittances to Ethiopia have increased substantially, jumping to $5.6 billion at the end of 2018/2019 from $233 million.

”Today, our customers’ mobile phones are not just used to make phone calls and access the Internet. With telebirr, they’re also used to send, receive, and store money, alongside payments for goods, utilities, airtime and other empowering services. telebirr has been in the mobile money business to serve as an engine for financial inclusion and ensure availability, accessibility, affordability, and convenience of financial services to all Ethiopians. To date, we have transacted over 2.2 billion birr using our telebirr since its launch back in May 2021.

Moreover, our engagement with Thunes will enable our customers to easily receive any amount of International Remittance through telebirr. We believe this service will save time and cost for our customers. Ethio telecom, as one of the largest telecom operators in Africa with more than 59 million subscribers, will continue leveraging mobile money and other digital solutions to unlock opportunities to realize our country’s vision for a digital economy,” said Frehiwot Tamru, CEO of Ethio telecom.

Media Contact
Irina Chuchkina

Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries Becomes North American Authorized Aftermarket Partner for Tatsuno

TEMECULA, Calif., Nov. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso’s Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Nikkiso”) announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tatsuno North America, Inc. (“Tatsuno”) to initiate cooperation as the Authorized Aftermarket Partner for their Hydrogen Dispensers in North America to establish a framework for cooperation.

Under the terms of the MOU, Nikkiso will provide spare parts, maintenance and repair services of Tatsuno’s Hydrogen Dispensers from Nikkiso’s network of North America facilities that are near the end user’s hydrogen refilling stations. In addition, Nikkiso will install and commission new dispensers, including the provision of engineering and pre-setup support for Tatsuno’s charging and fleet management systems.

Hydrogen dispensing is a new and developing market and an important component of the Hydrogen fueling station solution. These dispensers provide safe and fast fueling for both light duty and heavy-duty vehicles at 350 barg and 700 barg.

“The newly formed partnership with Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries and Tatsuno strengthens our Hydrogen presence and allows us to better serve the North American markets,” according to Teru Murakami, General Manager, Cryogenic Business Department, Nikkiso Co., Ltd. “We are looking forward to providing Tatsuno’s customers top quality service and support.”

Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries was chosen for this new, long-term partnership because of their relationships and hydrogen experience. They are also able to provide expanded services including complete Hydrogen fueling system solutions. This partnership will also provide new jobs for the local service facility economies.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment and small-scale process plants for the liquefied natural gas (LNG), well services and industrial gas industries. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information please visit and

Anna Quigley +1.951.383.3314