October 22, 2024

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) has called on registered voters to exercise tolerance while casting their votes during today’s fifth municipal elections.


In a statement, SALGA urged South Africans to cast their votes at the various polling stations in an effort to keep the country’s democracy alive “as it is one of the best in the world”.


“Remember that by not voting, we are letting others choose leaders for us and therefore make decisions for us. Ke nako, Ixesha lifikile. Go cast your vote!”


President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared 1 November 2021 a public holiday to allow citizens to freely participate in this year’s local government elections.


Scores of South Africans will exercise their right to vote for their preferred candidates and political parties.


Salga noted that while many would use this day to participate in elections, SALGA was aware that over the past few elections there had been a diminishing interest from some sectors of society, especially the youth, to exercise this right.


“It is for this reason that the association wishes to make a call to all to go out in their numbers to participate in this year’s elections,” it said, adding that for the country’s democracy to survive, all eligible citizens should participate in matters that affect their livelihoods.


Salga added that local government, as the sphere closest to the people, was very important in ensuring that citizens receive quality basic services. These included clean water and sanitation, refuse collection, electricity, municipal roads, stormwater infrastructure, municipal public transport among others.


Source: South African Government News Agency

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