September 22, 2024

The SAPS Division for Visible Policing and Policing is currently conducting a capacity building two-day work session in the Northern Cape focusing on vulnerable groups and victim empowerment environments at the Kimberley SAPS Gymnasium.

The work session is scheduled for 11 until 12 September 2024 and is attended by Northern Cape Provincial SAPS officials, SAPS officials of all five Districts, District Social Crime Co-ordinators and Human Resource Development, Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison, the Family Violence, Child Protection, Sexual offences unit members and Station members.

The day commenced with devotion and a welcoming address by the Provicial Head for Pro-Active Policing, Brigadier Irene Kopeledi.

The Provincial Commander for Crime Prevention, Colonel Maggie Ndzutha introduced the panel and workshop attendees.

Lt Col Johanna Molefi from SAPS Division: Visible Policing and Operations focused on Child Offenders and Children at risk.

She also outlined the purpose of the day and Implemen
tation of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 and Children’s Act 38 of 2005.

Colonel Tsholo Selepe of SAPS Division: Visible Policing and Operations dealt with sexual offenders and the trafficking in persons and the importance of daily operations of having a GBVF desk at police stations.

She touched on capacity building envisaging to enhance knowledge on the SAPS National Instruction and Standing Operational Procedures and regulative prescripts aligned to GBVF.

Colonel Samuel Lekganyane o responsible for Victim Empowerment and persons with special needs relayed information bordering on protection of vulnerable groups such as victim witnesses, older persons, disabled, LGBTIQ+ and the programs relating to these groups. He also enlightened the attendees of the implementation of the victim friendly services and centres.

The workshop will also focus on mental health care, sexual related matters, the prevention and combatting of trafficking in persons.

The session will officially conclude on 12 September 2024.

ource: South African Police Service