September 21, 2024

We were fighting against ignorance and terrorism because these children, without supervision, could have joined the terrorists,’ said Chief Warrant Officer Issé Kaboré, one of the two gendarmes decorated for the sacrifices made in favor of the students of Toéni (Boucle du Mouhoun).

‘We were certainly fighting against ignorance, but also against terrorism, because these children who were no longer supervised could have joined terrorist groups,’ he added.

Chief Warrant Officer Issé Kaboré spoke Friday in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the day of academic excellence.

Chief Warrant Officer Issé Kaboré and Quartermaster Kayaba Sawadogo were decorated on Friday on an exceptional basis, as knights of the Order of Academic Palms with Education clasp.

To make up for the absence of teachers, the two gendarmes from the Rapid Action Surveillance and Intervention Group (GARSI) of Toéni, a rural commune in the province of Sourou, region of Boucle du Mouhoun, had to, in addition of the Kalashnikov, take the chalk to a
ccompany students in the primary education certificate examination class, session 2024. All nine students obtained their diploma.

‘Maybe there will be a president or a minister among them. I hope that they will be able to help their parents through the act that we have taken,’ added Chief Warrant Officer Kaboré.

‘We are convinced that until the end of their days, as long as they can help their neighbor, they will not hesitate, because they will always remember that there are people who had nothing to do with with teaching and who found themselves giving them lessons,’ he concluded.

Note that during the same ceremony, chaired by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the best teachers and students received various prizes.

The super teachers, Basolma Bayili from primary school and Pierre Tiendrebéogo from post-primary school, each received a villa as well as a sum of 5 million FCFA.

Source: Burkina Information Agency