October 8, 2024

The Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) are conducting the Border and Infrastructure Protection Annual Command Conference at Rundu aimed at deliberating issues affecting the operations of the directorate . The conference will also devise strategies to combat crime , particularly cross – border crimes and protection of government infrastructure , NamPol Regional Commander for Kavango East , Commissioner Andreas Haingura who spoke on behalf of NamPol Inspector General Joseph Shikongo on Monday said . The aim of this year ‘ s command conference is to also bring together divisional commanders to evaluate the level of implementation of resolutions taken during the 2021 command conference . The conference will discuss administrative and operational issues within the directorate , identify challenges whilst devising new strategies to overcome these stumbling blocks . Some of the challenges the police are faced with range from shortage of manpower , uniform pieces , transport and accommodation for officers . On the issu
e of transport , Shikongo said most of the force ‘ s functional fleet have high mileage or have reached their lifespan which the IG said contributes to the high costs on repairs and maintenance . ‘ You should however be reminded that this situation does not only affect your directorate but the entire police force . I would therefore like to urge the management of the Border and Infrastructure Protection Directorate to take good care of the remaining fleet at its disposal ,’ he noted . He further indicated that the government is aware of the deplorable conditions police officers are living in , especially those deployed along the borders . ‘ Moreover , it is significant to note that the current threat of illegal fishing along our territorial waters by foreign flagged vessels , remains a challenge and should be prioritised before it escalates ,’ he added . Meanwhile , Shikongo said the feeding programme for officers deployed in remote areas has been reinstated to an amount of N . dollars 20 million for the 2025
to 2028 financial years . The conference concludes on Friday .