April marks major milestone in South Africa

Deputy President Paul Mashatile says the month of Aril is a very important month in the country’s calendar because it marks Freedom Month, as well as an incredible milestone of 30 years of democracy.

‘This month offers us an opportunity to reflect on the progress made thus far in transforming our society, while also examining our challenges,’ Mashatile said.

Addressing the Muslim Judicial Council Iftar Dinner in Rylands in Cape Town on Friday, Mashatile said although government has made great strides since 1994, inequality, poverty, and unemployment remain major obstacles to South Africa’s national unity and social cohesion.

‘We should be in one accord in addressing the remaining challenges that threaten our society’s social fabric,’ the Deputy President said.

Mashatile said South Africans should unite as they did when they fought apartheid, and when political leaders stray from their objectives, religious leaders should steer them in the right direction to make the country better.

He commended the role
played by the Muslim community in building the country.

‘Muslims have played an important role in shaping South Africa’s history, a role that has continued to this day.

‘They fought selflessly for the freedom we have today. Let us reciprocate our forefathers’ selflessness with kindness and humility and replicate their spirit of fighting for the good of others.

‘Let us do good deeds to improve one another’s health and wellbeing. Let us do good to provide shelter and a meal to the homeless. Let us do good by keeping young people out of the streets and providing them with quality education,’ Mashatile said.

He further commended the leadership of the Muslim Judicial Council for their dedication to education in the community by offering excellent education in their schools.

‘By prioritising skills development, you empower people and provide them the opportunity to make important contributions to our country.

‘Furthermore, by promoting social cohesion, you lay the groundwork for a society in which mutual resp
ect and understanding serve as the foundation for all relationships,’ the Deputy President said.

Mashatile urged urge all other religious communities to engage in charitable work and community service, benefiting not only their members but society as a whole.

‘We must unite as a society to help the less fortunate, support those in need, and foster a culture of compassion and generosity.

‘These acts of service promote inclusion and caring communities. Through such religious communities, we are also able to instil moral values such as forgiveness and respect for others, therefore strengthening our moral compass.

‘We urge the Muslim community to continue to advocate for social justice and human rights and to lead movements for equality, dignity, and freedom, empowering people to speak out against injustices and fight towards a more equitable world order,’ Mashatile said.

He encouraged every South African to actively participate in acts of kindness, volunteer their time and resources towards uplifting commun
ities and promoting social cohesion.

Source: South African Government News Agency