October 19, 2024

The City of Cape Town’s Transport Directorate is once again calling on residents and interested and affected parties to please comment on the proposal to turn Totnes Road in Plumstead into a time restricted one-way road in a southbound direction during peak periods at the Plumstead Preparatory School.


Initially, the public participation period was open from 14 June until 14 July 2021, however, the response received was insufficient for making a decision.


The new public participation period starts today, 15 September 2021 and the last day for comments is 15 October 2021.


The public participation process is being implemented in terms of section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, which states that the public and interested parties or groups are given the opportunity to submit comments, recommendations or input to the City’s proposal of turning Totnes Road into a one-way during the peak hour periods at the Plumstead Preparatory School.


‘We are reopening this public participation process to give our residents another opportunity to be part of what is happening in their community. As an inclusive city, one of the ways we ensure that we deliver services is engaging our residents about the projects that we intend to implement to improve access and safety in their areas. Thus, we urge all interested parties to not let this opportunity pass them by, a second time. We need residents’ input about a decision that will impact them, and to ensure the intentions will be well received by the broader community,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Councillor Rob Quintas.


Currently, due to the narrow road width and two-way traffic flow, Totnes Road experiences traffic congestion during the school peak-hour periods. The lack of on-street parking and a stop-and-drop facility limit the drop-off and collection space for motorists, which impacts on residents living in close proximity to the school.


Furthermore, Plumstead Preparatory School is currently undergoing rezoning of its property and have arranged for consultants Innovative Transport Solutions (ITS) to undertake a traffic impact statement.


The outcome recommends that Totnes Road, fronting the school, be converted to a time restricted one-way road southbound, to alleviate traffic congestion and improve flow during school peak-hour periods. Outside School Peak periods, Totnes Road will revert to a two-way movement.


The City also conducted a site visit and concurs with the ITS report recommendations. The proposal will help alleviate congestion with little or no impact on the immediate community.


It is proposed that the one-way restriction only applies during school peak-hours on weekdays between 07:00 and 08:00 and from 12:30 to 15:30.


Source: City Of Cape Town

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